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Frost River - Day Packs

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Frost River - Foraging Tote

Product code:  BAG0610
This is a simple, lightweight over the shoulder floppy Tote that can be used to carry almost anything.

Frost River - Mini Knapsack

Product code:  BAC0330
This bag works well for children and the young at heart who just want a 'Little bag to carry'.

Frost River - Knapsack

Product code:  BAC0182
Almost the perfect day pack as seen in old Victorian prints when plant and specimen collecting was all the rage and Alpine walks were the height of fashion. Inside is a security pocket ideal for map and compass or today’s cell phone and i-Pod™. If you look in our Friends section you will see a little more about where these bags are made, why they were made and who makes them. We look worldwide for good products that have evolved to meet a need. The Frost River story is worth reading. Features...

Frost River - Sojourn Skinny Pack

Product code:  BAC0539
“So-journ noun / soh-jurn: a period of time when you stay in a place as a traveller or guest”.

Frost River Carrier Brief Messenger Bag 891

Product code:  BAG1041
The modern messenger bag presents an option to a backpack “slung” over a shoulder.

Frost River - Geologist Bushcraft Bag

Product code:  BAG0345
This pack pays homage to one James Byron Hustad known as JBH who roamed Minnesota’s Iron Range in search of underground deposits for US Steel in the middle of the last century. Exploring the North Country in search of iron ore can lead an intrepid young geologist into all sorts of adventure. Equipped with his trusty rucksack he would often travel by canoe or float plane into secluded remote areas.