I have broken with tradition and duplicated a Facebook entry in our blog. The reason is the importance of the subject. Increasingly all over the UK groups like the one below are helping all our communities and mostly we are blissfully unaware of their work. All are volunteers and they turn out at any time of day or night.

This picture shows two vehicles from Gloucestershire and Worcestershire 4x4 Response. Increasingly volunteer groups like these are being used more and more to support local authorities for emergencies where the Blue Light services need specialist support and especially during the increasing bouts of severe weather we are enjoying.
I admire their dedication and work as they have to finance everything themselves through fund raising events and be prepared to help at a moment's notice. With floods and snow becoming a regular feature of our calendar their support roles are vital and in some cases life saving.
It is easy to imagine helping with searches or food and water delivery but what is often forgotten is getting the emergency services staff to work. When we can’t get to work because of snow the police, fire and medical teams often suffer the same predicament. This is where these groups excel.
G & W 4x4 Respone are well trained and equipped with just the right vehicles to step in and keep things running. I have the greatest respect for this group and recommend you visit their website www.gloucestershire4x4response.co.uk I am sure they are always looking for more recruits or help with fund raising.
Just remember that, with more and more cutbacks throughout Local Government and the Emergency Services and the reduction in 4x4 vehicles they run, volunteer groups like this are playing a major role around the country. They need your support!