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Norwegian Wood Chopping & Stacking Book

Norwegian Wood Chopping & Stacking Boo

Norwegian Wood Chopping & Stacking Book

This book is a very unexpected global phenomenon. I picked up a copy by chance and started to read it and I was captivated. I wish I could sell a great plot line but I was hooked on the reverence given to wood in Norway and all the facts figures and myths that surround it.

  • The book draws you in and appeals to a base instinct in wanting to cut and stack wood for winter. It appealed to my green side and wanting to be self sufficient by avoiding payment to global oil and gas companies. I simply loved the book and there is every chance you will too.
  • It is full of glorious colour plates and I admit I now bore guests on statistics about Norwegian Forestry but this is a small price to pay for the pleasure I have gleaned. I am also trying some new stacking systems this year!
  • Hardback ISBN 9780857052551