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1948 Original Equipment Blog - Original Equipment Blog


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A Funny Thing

There is not too much in the news that has made me laugh over the past few weeks.....

I am a grumpy old sod and this trait is rising to the fore....

BORN IN 1948

I was born in 1948 out of necessity rather than planning....

I will not be confounded by the polarised views spouted by our Politicians’ on almost every subject.


It is an empty bus and I look around as buildings flash by. It appears we are accelerating and I am not sure where to. I remember sitting on a crowded bus with lots of jolly people. It was crowded and we did not want anyone else on the bus.

At this time of year we all spend a fortune and you have to question is it really necessary?

Being Green

The following words I found on the web but I could not find out who wrote this piece so I cannot acknowledge their fine work...

Put aside politics, race, immigration and prejudice ...

We all have bad days and sometimes one leads into another....